Uncle Sam Leads a School Matinee

Because our school matinee requires so little set-up time, we can
offer public venues a unique combination -- the chance to present up to
two performances of our Patriotic American History Show to bussed-in school
children, plus any of our other shows (Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s,
Spring , etc.) to the general public on that same evening. (For detailed
information on the educational school matinee, click
The Patriotic History School Matinee Sells
The Lancaster Opera House (NY) sold out one Patriotic History Show
and then added another. The Stocker Arts Center (OH) sold out one show,
added another, and then sold it out. The huge Des Moines Civic Center
didn't quite sell out. But the show drew 3,000 kids. It sells itself.
The Patriotic American History Show can be adapted for audiences from
Grades 1-12 and for residencies. We provide complete
curriculum materials, prepared by our Showman, the former editor-in-chief
of the nation's largest newspaper for children, Weekly Reader.
The Patriotic History School Matinee Wins
on Three Counts
1. Our School Matinee is a Money Maker
Most venues charge $3-5 for a school ticket. Even smaller venues can
cover their costs for an extra school show. Larger venues can make money
. Some larger theaters count on school shows to cover their costs for
both the evening and the school shows, so that the evening show receipts
are profit.
2. Our School Matinee Builds Your Audience For That Evening
- We provide information on the evening show to go home with the
school-show permission slip. The slip can have a student "Buy
1, Get 1 Free!" coupon for the evening show. Since most students
who use the coupon bring 3 other people, you sell three extra tickets
for one free student ticket.
- We preview your evening show during the school performance to get
the kids excited about it.
3. Our School Matinee Builds Long-Term Audiences
Students are only a few years from becoming your paying customers in their
own right. There's no better time to teach them to be theater-goers than
when they're young. Get them into your venue with their school group;
get them back that evening with their parents; get them back again when
they are parents!
Give Us a Call to Discuss!