School Matinees -- Educational Objectives:
We can do any of our shows as school matinees, either in theaters, or in the schools themselves. Our most popular educational show,
the "Patriotic American History Show" has three educational objectives:
- To give students, in story and song, a framework of American History.
- To give students a specific historical understanding of how the magic-lantern
is the ancestor of the cinema, and how it "taught the movies to move."
- To help students enjoy some of the classic literature and songs of
the 19th century
School Matinee Format:
We change both the content and form of our school matinees to adapt to different
grade levels and circumstances, and have three versions appropriate for
K-2, 3-6, 6-12. All are high-energy, fun and educational.
We provide pre- and post-show curriculum
materials, and send the music for the shows to the school music
teacher so that, if desired, the students can participate as "part of a national
traveling theater company." We can also do workshops in which students make
their own lantern slides or discuss in detail the ideas from Dr. Terry Borton's new book, Cinema
Before Film.
Terry, AMLT's lead performer, is
the former Editor in Chief of Weekly
Reader, the national children's newspaper, and so has had extensive experience
in schools. |
at a workshop at Princeton University delight in seeing their own slides
projected, though the widow shades were hardly the best screen. They
made the slides with magic-markers after hearing a poem read to them. |
Recommendations for our School Matinees:
AMLT has performed its school matinees at all grade levels, for many different kinds of populations,
with block bookings ranging all over the country from CT, NY and MA, to TX. Ninety-five percent
of the K-5 teachers in a recent, multi-town booking said they would recommend
our shows to others.
Typical comments: